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New council homes at Morden Street

Discover Morden Street, New council homes at Morden Street. Have your say today and share your views on the future of your community. Powered by Commonplace, the leading community engagement platform.


Our plans for new council homes at Morden Street

Thank you for taking the time to view our proposals for new council homes at Morden Street. 

These homes will be part of the Greenwich Builds programme to create 1,750 new council homes across the borough, to be let to local people on our housing waiting list, addressing the urgent need for affordable homes. 

We are inviting you to give feedback on our plans, please share your views using the survey at the bottom of the page.

Site Location

The site we are looking to build on is located south of Deptford Bridge Railway Station, west of Lewisham Road and south of Blackheath Hill. 

It is in two parts, forming a T shape which includes a garage site to the north-west enclosed by houses, and an open grass area to the south with prominent mature trees to both ends. 

On the east side across Lewisham Road there is a new 10-storey residential block. The grass area is opposite Morden Mount Primary School playground and the garage site to the north is occupied by 19 garages and an electricity substation.

The neighbouring buildings are a mix of two-storey houses and their rear gardens border three sides of the garage site. To the north there are two four-storey residential blocks and a row of terraced housing to three sides, around a communal grass area.

You can see a map of the site below.

An aerial photo map showing the site to be developed outlined in red. It comprises the garages between Morden Street and Lewisham Road, with some of the green space to the south between the two trees.

What we are proposing to build 

At Morden Street we would like to build:

  • Four three-storey, three-bedroom houses
  • Two two-storey, two-bedroom houses
  • A communal outdoor green space

Each house would have a front and rear garden, and the development would replace the existing 19 garages, which would be turned into the communal outdoor space.

There would be direct access to this space from the existing rear gardens, and the rear gardens of the new houses which would border it.

Footpaths would be relocated, so that the route between Lewisham Road and Morden Street would move behind the proposed houses, to the south edge of the proposed communal amenity garden.

To the side and front (opposite the playground) of the proposed houses would be another new footpath primarily for residents and visitors to access the new houses.

The emergency vehicle access would be from Morden Street via the existing garage site access and there would be room for vehicle turning on the site. 

Bin collection could be from the garage site or Lewisham Road where there is an existing collection point for the row of terraced houses to the east.

These homes would be built to zero carbon standards, with a contemporary design.

You can see how the homes would look in the below images. 

Designs and floorplans

Below is a siteplan showing where our proposed homes would be located.

 A map of the site showing where the proposed homes would be located. The six homes are located to the south of the current garages, facing south with rear gardens to the north. The current garage site has been turned into a proposed communal area, replacing the green space which the homes would be built on. New footpaths between Lewisham Road and Morden Street are shown.

Below are floorplans showing the internal layout of our proposed homes.

Ground floor:

A ground floor plan of the proposed homes. The four homes in the middle are identical, with a kitchen dining room at the back of the house with doors onto the garden, a bedroom and entrance hall at the front, with a toilet and storage space between. The two houses at each end are slightly longer, and feature a dining and living room at the back of the house with doors onto the garden, a kitchen and entrance hall at the front, with a toilet and storage space between.

1st floor:

A first floor plan of the proposed homes. The four houses in the centre feature a living room at the back of the house, with storage and a family bathroom at the front. The two houses on teh end feature bedrooms at the front and back with a family bathroom between.

2nd floor:

 A second floor plan of the proposed homes. Only the middle four houses are have a second storey, comprising two bedrooms and storage.

Below are illustrations showing the design of our homes from different viewpoints.

View from Morden Street:
A 3D view of the proposed houses showing them in relation to neighbouring buildings.

View from Lewisham Road:

A 3D view of the proposed houses showing them in relation to neighbouring buildings.

Other views:

A technical illustration showing the front and rear of the proposed homes. The two houses at each end of the terrace are a storey shorter than the four in the middle, and have two windows on each of their two storeys. The houses in the middle have front foors and a window on the ground floor, with two windows per storey on the first and second floors. The rear of the houses features floor to ceiling windows across the with of each house on each floor, with a juliet balcony railing in front of each.

A technical illustration showing the sides of the proposed row of houses, with a door and three windows on each side.

A 3D drawing of the front of the proposed homes, visible is the side entrance to the two storey house on the end of the terrace.
A 3D drawing of the rear of the proposed homes, showing rear gardens with doors opening from the houses, and floor to ceiling windows across the with of each house on the upper floors, with a juliet balcony railing in front of each.


As with all Greenwich Builds homes, and in line with the Council's Carbon Neutral Plan, sustainability is a key consideration in our design. 

The homes at Southend Close will be built to zero carbon standards, incorporating extensive insulation and air tightness measures, alongside air source heat pumps and solar panels.

This will not only make our homes extremely sustainable but will also substantially reduce running costs for tenants living in them.


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